There's so many reasons why it is completely ignorant to call Trump a Fascist or Nazi. Many reasons, but I'm going to name a few of them.
- Trump does NOT want bigger government. He does NOT want the businesses ran by the government. Hitler did. He was all for big government.
- Hitler's belief was that the only strong people was a people completely ruled by their government. Unions were government, the state raised the kids, they controlled the schools and businesses. He believed that it took a village to raise a child and not the parents. Trump is completely opposite of these things. Trump wants free trading, Hitler didn't.
- Hitler used media and propaganda to cause a divide not only against his political opponents, but anyone who opposed his policies. He owned all media, so it was fairly easy to say something and make it heard. Any media outlet that said anything against him was silenced or taken down. (Sort of like how the left is claiming "fake news") Trump may have a mouth, he may have said some things that aren't cool, but he's never paid the media to worship him like hitler did.
- "To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens." Hitler was for gun control. First in the hands of his opponents and then, those who followed him. Anyone who was not in the Nazi party, was not allowed to own a gun and then later on, even they weren't allow to either. (Please remember that the Nazi party was a small party, not big. Majority of Germans were not part of the Nazi party.) Trump is pro-gun. He wants the citizens armed in case we need to revolt, he doesn't want more gun control.
- Hitler wanted complete control of the schools. State ran schools. They could only teach what was approved. Trump is ending a nearly decade long program that did the same in our schools.
- Hitler blamed the Germans' woes on a group of people (Jews) with bigger government and censorship being the answer. Yes, trump has blamed people- the government and media, for our woes but his answer wasn't bigger government. It's not about controlling the people. It's about smaller government and more freedom. Hitler's answer was censorship, bigger government, and rounding up all who opposed him.
- Hitler wanted the world, Trump just wants to strengthen our country and stay out of war.
- Hitler also wanted universal healthcare, which helped weed out the sick and weak- Trump wants privatized insurance.
These are some good examples of how unlike Trump and hitler are.
Another thing to look at is friendships that trump has. If he was so much like Hitler, he'd be very anti-Semitic. This isn't the case. His daughter Ivanka and her Husband and children are Jewish. He's surrounded himself with Jews, gays and people of color his whole life. He's not racist or anti-Semitic, he's just not a Nazi.
So to say this again- we don't have a Furher but we could've had one if Trump lost.
Out of both candidates, Clinton is the most like Hitler than Trump. Just policies alone, it's like she's taken ideas from Hitler's playbook - Mein Kempf. Here's how:
- Just like Hitler, she advocates for a state ran school. She was the one to coin "It takes a village to raise a child." At least in modern times, since after all, Hitler was the original author of the quote.
- Just like Hitler, she is for complete gun control.
- She is staunchly pro-abortion in which Hitler was as well.
- Just like Hitler, she is all about raising taxes, and big government. She wants to raise taxes on the very rich, well now that they're broke she's moved to the middle class. Hitler did the same, the Jews held most of the money so he raised the taxes on not just them but on the rich, then it went to the middle and poor classes. Everyone was affected not just Jews.
- CLINTON. IS. A. RACIST. Yes. She is a big racist. From calling Arabs Sand N****rs to calling black males super predators, she has shown her true colors again and again.
- She has bought out most media platforms. Her entire base on running was using propaganda against anyone who opposed her, including citizens. She silenced many outlets and people, and has gotten away with treason.
- Just like Hitler, Hillary wants universal healthcare.
Now what about her friends? Clinton is no friend to Israel. She is cohorts with the very enemies of Israel, one of the people she works closely with is a Muslim with proven ties to not only to Jihadists but Isis, a man that she calls her mentor is a very esteemed KKK member, she takes money from countries who hate Jews and Christians, and she is staunchly against religious freedoms. Just like Hitler's aim, she has said that Christians must change. Hitler was the same way. Some argue that He was an Athiest, others say he was Christian. No matter which way you look at it, he wanted to control how people worship saying that it would protect the country. There's many more people I can say, but I won't because it would open up other topics that I don't want to go into today.
Anyone with a basic understanding of World War 2 history, would be able to tell you that Trump and Hitler have very little in common with eachother but that Clinton does have much in common with the Fuhrer.
Putting aside all of this, I wrote this because my generation and even older people forget their history classes on the subject. I will say this however, that calling a person a Nazi or "literally" Hitler is really disrespectful to the THOUSANDS of people who died under Hitler. It's time to grow up sugarcakes, not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi. Just come to accept that people will disagree and that is ok, but what's not ok is calling people Hitler and Nazis in anger because they don't agree with you. I encourage everyone to look up more on this subject, till next time!
God bless America!
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