Monday, October 31, 2016

The Thing About #NoDAPL

Hey guys! The Millennial Patriot here! 

Today I will be talking about is the Dakota Access Pipeline and why it is VERY bad. 

The government has given the natives certain lands that they protect like it is their child. It is some of the most sacred and untouched land in the United States. They don't have much because every year the government takes a little bit more and more to where there is barely any left.

This is against many treaties that protect their land. The thing is, they aren't just protecting THEIR land, they are trying to save as much as they can for us all. Not just them. It is not about them, it's about all of us. It's about water, it's about farmers (not just native) having good soil, it's about saving wildlife. By putting a pipeline in, it can cause many problems.

It can cause unusable water if it explodes:

This can dirty the water and the land around it rendering it useless. No ability to grow food, no clean water, nothing. The water that would be affected not only is used on the reservation, it is used in neighboring towns. So not only is it going to affect their water supply it will affect multiple cities and can completely destroy the land for years. 

Another thing:

This breaks treaties that the government has with the Sioux Tribe. They have broken the treaty by illegally putting the DAPL through their land. 
"The Treaty of Fort Laramie with Sioux, etc., 1851 was an important transaction formed by the federal government with a number of prominent American Indian tribes of the Great Plains. Its creation and provisions were a demonstration of the growing need for less animosity among the tribes themselves, in part to yield increased security for an ever-growing flow of settlers into the western United States who traversed in the process the tribes' historical lands."

Basically, this was their land. This was specifically for them not to be touched by any other TRIBE or the GOVERNMENT.

"The treaty set forth traditional territorial claims of the tribes as among themselves.[1] The United States acknowledged that all the land covered by the treaty was Indian territory and did not claim any part of it. The boundaries agreed to in the Fort Laramie treaty of 1851 would be used to settle a number of claims cases in the 20th century...In 2016, the Dakota Access Pipeline, intended to transport up to 570,000 barrels a day of crude to refineries and markets in the Gulf and on the East Coast, was given "fast-track" approval[35] by the Army Corps of Engineers through territory covered by the treaty.[36] The Standing Rock Sioux filed a lawsuit protesting the limited review..."

This has been going on for years, the government taking land not only from the natives but from farmers and land owners as well (See the Bundy case). This isn't just a stand up against the government for stealing land AGAIN, this is a fight against the establishment and them illegally seizing anything they want to

Not only did they steal treaty land... They also ruined several ancient burial grounds of theirs. They completely tore up the ground and destroyed several hundred year old sacred grounds. 

"Only hours after lawyers representing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe filed evidence in federal court documenting how some of the Dakota Access pipeline’s proposed route would go through a sacred burial site, the company unexpectedly began working on that very site. As bulldozers cleared earth, hundreds of Native Americans from many different tribes rushed onto the construction site to protect the sacred site...over a holiday weekend, went out and bulldozed the entire site. We have a sworn declaration from one of the tribe’s cultural experts that describes some of these sites, multiple gravesites and burials, very important archaeological features of the kind that are not found commonly."

The tribal attorney requested them to not go through the sacred grounds and the very next day after he put in the paperwork (which just so happened to be a Saturday on a holiday weekend), they immediately started there. As if it was a spit in the face, they went even further to "lose" the paperwork.

Since this has begun, thousands of natives and even those who are not have started to protest for the right to NOT have the DAPL put in. 

"This morning, at approximately 8am central, water protectors took back unceded territory affirmed in the 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie as sovereign land under the control of the Oceti Sakowin, erecting a frontline camp of several structures and tipis on Dakota Access property, just east of ND state highway 1806. This new established camp is 2.5 miles north of the Cannon Ball River, directly on the proposed path of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)." 

They have set up camp, protesting the DAPL and since the beginning have hit a wall. They have been attacked. At first by private security officers with tasers and pepper spray, then by the same people with dogs, then by cops and now the military has been called. There was even a video going around (which I was unable to find) where people were being caged and numbered and then arrested. Hundreds of people have been arrested while fighting for the right to have clean water and no DAPL. Some have been famous actors.

"Police have discharged weapons, using rubber bullets to shoot down drones being used to document the police activity and actions."  

This is a national travesty! As a patriot, you can't ignore this. This is a perfect example to stand up for our fellow Americans, a patriot fights against those set to destroy us and in this it's the government (like always)! This is not just for them, it's for all of us and for future generations. This is for our beautiful land. This is for the ability to have our land not stolen illegally! 

  “We stand for the water, we stand on our treaties, we stand for unci maka- we stand and face the storm.”

What can you do to help??

SPREAD THE WORD!!! The MSM as usual is refusing to tell the truth!! We MUST get the word out there. We are fighting against the government, the MSM and the ignorance that Americans seem to have! Stop spreading untrue information, share the from pages that are directly from Indigenous pages. (I list one at the end). 

DO NOT DO THIS OR DON'T ALLOW IT! It's got nothing to do with being Politically correct, this is making fun of those who are fighting for everyone's right to have clean water!!

The above picture is bullshit. Don't you dare do this, it is doing nothing but mocking the issue. 

I would love to go deeper into this issue, but I can't right now. My purpose was to say that to not stand with the tribes, is very unpatriotic. As Americans, especially Patriots, we must stand with those who want to protect the beautiful land that we all live on. We must stand against those who want to hurt us and in this case AGAIN, it is the government

I have supplied a good page link for facebook and some videos on this subject. 

PLEASE NOTE! I am not a master on this subject, it is very much new to me in fact but I wanted to write on it. If I have said anything wrong or if you have something to add or even summarize better, please LET ME KNOW! I would rather be corrected than continue being stupid on the subject. I tried to learn as much as I could to write this brief summary. Again please message me if you have anything I should change or add. Thanks!


 (it is happening in Iowa as well, not just North Dakota)

As I usually say, please do not take my word for it. Go and do your own research and remember, MSM is not your friend!


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