Your fellow millennial here! I have a message to those of my peers who are so vocal. Who get all over the media and make themselves heard.
Just stop. Stop. Stop. STOP. Ok??
Don't get me wrong, when you read this, I am not telling you who to vote for or who to believe. I am not attacking you, and I refuse to give in to this notion that I must remain silent as to not hurt feelings. My point is not to hurt you, I am very blunt with you because sometimes that is the only way to get my voice heard. This is meant for you to start thinking, start thinking and researching because MSM is not doing anything for you but polluting your mind.
First things first, you want more freedom right?
FREEDOM CAN NOT BE CREATED BY SILENCING THOSE WHO DO NOT AGREE WITH US! By you silencing anyone you don't agree with, you are in fact stealing their freedom. You are stealing Trump Signs, threatening people who voice differently than yourself, you are going to rallies and hurting people, you are vandalizing property, calling names, and some of you are being blatantly racist to others. This is not right, it does not create more freedom- it destroys it. You are not the only one who is allowed an opinion. You are not the only one who is allowed to voice said opinion. You have NO right to attack those who you do not agree with. You have no right to do what I have said. You don't get to determine what is protected by the 1st amendment, you also don't get to decide someone's race based solely on who they support. These are not right!! If you want more freedom, stop silencing others.
NO. Nothing is ever free. It comes in taxes, the reason we are in so much debt is because of TAXES. You can not tax a nation into prosperity, only into poverty. Taxation is theft. Let me say it again, TAXATION IS THEFT. The more you tax people the worse the economy is. The less that a person has in their pocket, the less the economy gets. The less taxation, the more is in your pocket, the more that is in your pocket, the more that is spent in the economy which then lowers prices.
Third: SJW, Feminist, and BLM/Segregation/Safe Spaces
Ok WHAT THE HELL? Have you wanted to go back to the 60's?? Do you WANT to make MLK JR. roll in his grave? Y'all are a bunch of racist, hateful, hypocrite, crybabies. "But I am not white so I can't be racist!" SHUT. UP. Hear me? EVERY race has its racists, it just so happens that the minorities that are millennials are the most racist. If you're a CIS, White, Straight, Male or Female, you are at fault. You are the issue that needs to bow down or eradicate itself. No, we aren't. Everyone bleeds red, our race does not dictate our success in this world. It is determined by how hard we work. No one has more power over the other based on their sex, race, sexuality, or religion. Stop making up narratives that are not true.
Segregation, really guys? Really? I thought we were done with that crap in the 70's. I thought we were done with all of that race crap. Now you want to segregate the minorities and white people based solely that you feel it'll be safer for minorities? Um, that sure sounds familiar! If it's anyone that feels unsafe in a college group it's the conservative, straight, white, male or female. You guys are beating, raping and murdering people based on who they are voting for or who they identify with. And you say you're the oppressed and unsafe ones? Riiiight.
Safe spaces and "triggers".
WHY? You asking for this crap is giving those of us who really have PTSD a bad name! We aren't being taken seriously anymore. I think that there should be spaces ONLY for those with anxiety/PTSD and that you have to have permission by the school to enter. No, your sex, sexual orientation, and race does not mean you are triggered or need a safe space. You guys don't even know the real meaning of triggered!! If you don't have PTSD (any form) or anxiety you have never been "triggered". Tumblrinas, you don't know anything about PTSD or triggers. You don't need a safe space, you don't need to boycott anything because it "triggered" you. I am a rape and abuse survivor. I know what being triggered is like, I know depression, and I know much more on this subject then you SJWs who think they can get PTSD from a commercial or MSM.
Sit down, I know you're pissed. That's good, it means you are thinking. Now this is going to piss you off more.
The worshiping of communism and socialism needs to end.
I don't think you guys really know what communism and socialism is. I don't think any of you have ever lived in any place with a Fascist, Communist, Socialist government. If you had, you'd be running far from it. Those who are LGBTQ+ who are worshiping these forms of government, do you even realize what you are doing? This form of government hates the LGBTQ+ and the disabled. THEY KILL PEOPLE LIKE YOU. They do NOT like you. Please research on the governments that are communist, see what it has done. Then tell me if you love it still.
"I don't trust the media." Hold up. What? Repeat that?? "I don't trust the media." Ok ok, then why are you trusting them on what Trump is Saying? Why are you trusting them about Clinton?? What happened to you not trusting the media?? Hm?? Hell even a hacker who attacked Bush as well, revealed a lot of horrible things about Clinton AND Obama and you don't believe him. Even though you practically worshiped Assange when he was going against the Republicans, so why are you not believing him now? Oh that's right, it's because it's MSM!!!
Guys, y'all need to stop. Get your mind back, stop playing victim, stop following blindly what "sounds" good. Research, research non-biased sources. Don't believe what anyone says, go out and find out for yourself. Allow yourself to open your mind to other possibilities. I didn't write this to hurt you, I wrote this to get you thinking. To get you angry enough to research. Hate me. Whatever, it won't affect me any. Scream and yell all you want, but until you stop being a mindless robot I will not be quiet. I will spend my life to the last day speaking the truth and if you don't like it, you don't need to listen. You can stay in your tiny bubble oblivious to the truth.
The Millenial Patriot is out.
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