Tuesday, December 20, 2016

FOF: Fight of Faiths: Jesus Christ VS. Muhammad

Welcome one and all to the newest Fight of Faiths! I am your host the Millennial Patriot and my guests today are Jesus Christ and Muhammad. Today, we will be looking at the differences between Islam and Christianity. This is very important that you know the differences between these two faiths and these two men. 

Today I will be interviewing both of these men in order to know more about their lives and what they stand for. Here we go: 

Jesus Christ

Me: Hello Jesus, How are you doing today? 

Jesus: I am doing fairly well today, thank you for letting me be on your show.

Me: No problem, thank you for being here. I have some questions for you about what you taught and your faith. I hope you won't mind me asking so that our viewers may have a better understanding of you.

Jesus: That is completely fine.

Me: What did you teach about sinning? What were the consequences- positive and negative?
Jesus: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3) If you sin and do not learn from your lesson, unfortunately you may not be able to get into the Kingdom but if you do learn from your sins, as no one is perfect, you may have the blessings from God and have a better chance of getting into Heaven. 

Me: So basically, I am going to put it into modern examples. It's like when you are a child and you break a rule. Your parents find out and you're grounded till you learn your lesson, is this correct?

Jesus: Yes, sort of. If you repent, ask for forgiveness, you should be good. Unless you really screwed up, then that is a completely different situation. 

Me: What do you mean?

Jesus: Well, definitely don't kill people, that's pretty bad. Of course Repent, but you lose a lot of points with me on that one. 

Me: Ok, moving on! Is it true that a young woman was about to be stoned for adultery in front of you but you stopped it?

Jesus: Yes! It was a very horrible situation, they were about to start and I stopped them and I "lifted myself up and said unto them, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”" and of course they stopped and, in anger, they walked away. I told the woman that she can "go and sin no more". From my understanding, it was what changed her life around. (Book of John)

Me: That is pretty extraordinary. This just shows you are a very forgiving human being. 

Jesus: Yes, of course! I don't even hate the people who killed me. I hate no one and have always taught to love your neighbors as if they are yourself. I don't understand why those who don't believe me make such ridiculous claims about me. I mean, yes my Father was very strict in the Old book, but me, I always knew anyone could be saved. 

Me: I know, it's somewhat confusing. On to the next question, is it true that you surrounded yourself by people who may not have been the best of people? Well, according to the Pharisees?

Jesus: Of course! I ate meals with gays, whores, murderers, and lepers. As I said, no one was hated nor was I disgusted by them.

Me: You also helped raise people from the dead and those who were dying, you healed people. Why would you do that, it definitely didn't benefit you?

Jesus: Everyone deserves a chance, everyone deserves love, No one deserves to be ignored. If I can help them in some way, then I will always do my best. 

Me: Ok, we have ran out of time. Thank you so much for joining me today, I hope to see you again. 

Jesus: Well, thank you for inviting me.

Me: Next on this we will be hearing from Mohammad, the Islamic Prophet.

Me: Hello Muhammad, thank you for joining me.

Muhammad: marhaba, shukraan liaistidafati.*

Me: Um what was that? Sorry I only speak English. 

Muhammad: How can you not speak Arabic, are you not part Arab?

Me: Yes, but...

Muhammad: NO EXCUSES. You are an infidel.

Me: I am American first and not Muslim- I am Christian.

Muhammad: You are an Infidel, "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help." (Quran (3:56))

Me: So if someone who doesn't agree with you, you will kill them?

Mohammad: Yes, unless they convert. 

Me: Isn't that pretty evil of you? 

Muhammad: No, Allah says it must be done, therefore it must be done.

Me: So you have said, "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." (Quran (2:216))  What if someone does not want to be violent? What happens then?

Muhammad: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." (Quran (2:216)) You must fight or Allah will see you in bad light. Allah wahdah yaelam kl shay'in.

Me: That's pretty violent and not peaceful.

Muhammad: Do as Allah says and you will be ok. 

Me: Again, I am not Muslim. I am only interviewing.

Mohammad: alkuffar almismar.*

Me: What did you say? 

Muhammad: Nothing.

Me: Ok, so next question. It is said that you married a young girl named Ayesha? That's a little perverted to me, just my thoughts. Why marry a child?

Muhammad: "... but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry." (Sahih Bukhari 7:62:18) I told her, "You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' Then you were shown to me, the angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), 'Uncover (her), and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' " (Sahih Bukhari 9:87:140) I was told to.

 Me: So because God said that you should marry a 7 years old, you did that?

Muhammad: Yes, of course, anything for Allah. 

Me: Ok so I am out of time because I need to have both you and Christ together. 

Me: Well welcome back Christ, I wanted to have you both on to see what you guys think of each other.

Jesus: Thank you for letting me.

Muhammad: almasihiuwn walyhud kafar, yatadamman Jesus- kadhib khadae. Jesus you are no Son of God, you are a liar. Jews and Christians are infidels, the one true religion is Islam!

Jesus: I am sorry you feel that way, but let me begin to tell you. You have been fooled, Islam is a lie and always will be. You have broken so many commandments that I know are in Islam as well. You kill people for not believing you, you marry children and are ok with that. How is that holy? How is going and blowing up buildings, shooting places up and driving into things ok? It isn't and you should be absolutely ashamed of your actions and your followers should be as well. You show no love and kindness to anyone. I am deeply saddened for you. 


Jesus: I was already crucified by my own people, for the sake of humanity. There's nothing you can do to phase me.

Me: Well that's all for today, thank you for joining us! 

*Thank you for having me.
*Screw you Infidel- Arabic. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Whoa, What Happened to the Democrats? More Importantly, The Millennials?

What happened to the left? What happened to the democrats? I am no liberal, I am definitely not a democrat but as I watched this election (the first ever I payed attention to because I was too young for the others) and saw how they slipped and fell. They cheated, had tantrums, and hurt or killed people because they wanted to be the only party. They lost and instead of accepting the loss, they continued on- thinking that they are the only party who deserves a vote. They continue to protest and scream that their winning didn't happen. They have no understanding of how the electoral college works, let alone how our government works or the fact we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy. 

The DNC has become so corrupt and their followers have become the same. The DNC won't say that they are at fault for their loss. They falsely accuse Russia with no actual proof, they threatened the electoral college, they verbally attacked Trump, Celebs tried to sway the vote of the people, they paid people to falsely accuse Trump of things, paid MSM to lie, they did a recount , and every single thing failed. They even paid people to riot after Hillary lost! These riots cost millions of dollars all over the country, they even killed people. When they fight, they really go low! 

It doesn't stop there, my generation who are liberals have become a bunch of screaming toddlers. They riot, threaten electors, they do no research and listen to everything that the media vomits out. Everything that she said, they believed. They don't know history, and call themselves communists and socialists. If they knew anything about history, they'd know that they are supporting systems always rigged against the people. Then again, they always were because the Democrats have never been for them. Maybe that's why they are so comfy with communism and socialism? Democrats have never been for the small people and minorities, it has always been for the millionaires to get money in their pockets off of the poor and small people. They have never helped anyone. Now, many people are seeing that and switching to another party. My generation is not though.

Many people question why those who are in my generation, who support the left, are supporting the left when they will only destroy our future for them and their children. It's very simple, at least for me since I am in my generation. 

Most of my generation grew up middle class, poor or with a single parent or parents who just didn't have time to help their children. I was very lucky, I grew up middle class and at times poor, but my parents were always making sure we had everything we needed. They also spent as much time as they possibly could with us kids (I am the oldest of four), teaching us to have our own minds, believe nothing till you research, question everything and that schools indoctrinate. That's why I am writing to you today, if it weren't for my parents teaching me these things I would've become a brain dead liberal or far leftist. So because many people in my generation didn't have what I did, they became more open to being fooled and indoctrinated by the public school system. To be honest, I do feel for them. We were taught, in school, basically everything that they rant rave about today. We were taught socialism and communism is good, we would get free stuff and live more comfortable, capitalism is bad and would ruin the poor person, that sort of thing. When asked what socialism, communism, fascism and capitalism is, they can't even answer correctly. They repeat the lies that their teachers have vomited at them. They don't know anything about them. At all. 

They don't know the history of the Nazis or Hitler because of this, they incorrectly call people who do not agree with them Nazis, call Trump Hitler and a fascist. They don't realize that Clinton is closest to the Nazi beliefs than Trump. She did the same as him, to try to get elected. My generation (the left ones) does not ask anyone who was there in Naziland, they don't research anything. They call us Nazis while holding flags that encourage communism in the USA, how can they even do that? Where are their brain cells? Every time I see this or hear it, I lose brain cells. Come on guys, do you realize how utterly ignorant that is? 

The Democrats can't and won't blame Clinton for their loss, they must blame anyone EVEN if they are going to cause a civil war or a Nuclear war with our ally Russia. They do not care about us, they'd sell us out for anything! They'd be the first to run if they caused the war too. Let's hope that Putin ignores their pokes. 

People in my generation were once afraid of them, we were afraid to speak our minds and say the truth. Now we aren't, we are speaking our minds. I think that I've had maybe ten death threats and people harassing me, but I am no longer afraid. They can't do anything to me or us anymore. They have become a laughing stock of a party by what they have done. The entire world is laughing at them for being cry babies, they don't see it and keep making more fools out of themselves. Honestly, it's very funny. I grab popcorn and watch these people cry as if they broke a leg or were denied their cookie. It's good entertainment and I don't even need to pay for it! 

In the end, Trump won, the democrats cry about it and blames everyone but themselves but no matter what they say or do, yes- Trump is YOUR president, get used to it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

No, Trump Isn't Hitler.

No. Trump is not Hitler. He doesn't even closely resemble him in his policies or actions. The rhetoric going round as of late is that Trump is a new Hitler or is "literally hitler". 


There's so many reasons why it is completely ignorant to call Trump a Fascist or Nazi. Many reasons, but I'm going to name a few of them. 

  1. Trump does NOT want bigger government. He does NOT want the businesses ran by the government. Hitler did. He was all for big government.
  2. Hitler's belief was that the only strong people was a people completely ruled by their government. Unions were government, the state raised the kids, they controlled the schools and businesses. He believed that it took a village to raise a child and not the parents. Trump is completely opposite of these things. Trump wants free trading, Hitler didn't. 
  3. Hitler used media and propaganda to cause a divide not only against his political opponents, but anyone who opposed his policies. He owned all media, so it was fairly easy to say something and make it heard. Any media outlet that said anything against him was silenced or taken down. (Sort of like how the left is claiming "fake news") Trump may have a mouth, he may have said some things that aren't cool, but he's never paid the media to worship him like hitler did. 
  4. "To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens." Hitler was for gun control. First in the hands of his opponents and then, those who followed him. Anyone who was not in the Nazi party, was not allowed to own a gun and then later on, even they weren't allow to either. (Please remember that the Nazi party was a small party, not big. Majority of Germans were not part of the Nazi party.) Trump is pro-gun. He wants the citizens armed in case we need to revolt, he doesn't want more gun control. 
  5. Hitler wanted complete control of the schools. State ran schools. They could only teach what was approved. Trump is ending a nearly decade long program that did the same in our schools. 
  6. Hitler blamed the Germans' woes on a group of people (Jews) with bigger government and censorship being the answer. Yes, trump has blamed people- the government and media, for our woes but his answer wasn't bigger government. It's not about controlling the people. It's about smaller government and more freedom. Hitler's answer was censorship, bigger government, and rounding up all who opposed him. 
  7. Hitler wanted the world, Trump just wants to strengthen our country and stay out of war.
  8. Hitler also wanted universal healthcare, which helped weed out the sick and weak- Trump wants privatized insurance. 
These are some good examples of how unlike Trump and hitler are. 

Another thing to look at is friendships that trump has. If he was so much like Hitler, he'd be very anti-Semitic. This isn't the case. His daughter Ivanka and her Husband and children are Jewish. He's surrounded himself with Jews, gays and people of color his whole life. He's not racist or anti-Semitic, he's just not a Nazi. 

So to say this again- we don't have a Furher but we could've had one if Trump lost. 

Out of both candidates, Clinton is the most like Hitler than Trump. Just policies alone, it's like she's taken ideas from Hitler's playbook - Mein Kempf. Here's how:
  • Just like Hitler, she advocates for a state ran school. She was the one to coin "It takes a village to raise a child." At least in modern times, since after all, Hitler was the original author of the quote. 
  • Just like Hitler, she is for complete gun control. 
  • She is staunchly pro-abortion in which Hitler was as well. 
  • Just like Hitler, she is all about raising taxes, and big government. She wants to raise taxes on the very rich, well now that they're broke she's moved to the middle class. Hitler did the same, the Jews held most of the money so he raised the taxes on not just them but on the rich, then it went to the middle and poor classes. Everyone was affected not just Jews. 
  • CLINTON. IS. A. RACIST. Yes. She is a big racist. From calling Arabs Sand N****rs to calling black males super predators, she has shown her true colors again and again. 
  • She has bought out most media platforms. Her entire base on running was using propaganda against anyone who opposed her, including citizens. She silenced many outlets and people, and has gotten away with treason. 
  • Just like Hitler, Hillary wants universal healthcare. 
Now what about her friends? Clinton is no friend to Israel. She is cohorts with the very enemies of Israel, one of the people she works closely with is a Muslim with proven ties to not only to Jihadists but Isis, a man that she calls her mentor is a very esteemed KKK member, she takes money from countries who hate Jews and Christians, and she is staunchly against religious freedoms. Just like Hitler's aim, she has said that Christians must change. Hitler was the same way. Some argue that He was an Athiest, others say he was Christian. No matter which way you look at it, he wanted to control how people worship saying that it would protect the country. There's many more people I can say, but I won't because it would open up other topics that I don't want to go into today. 

Anyone with a basic understanding of World War 2 history, would be able to tell you that Trump and Hitler have very little in common with eachother but that Clinton does have much in common with the Fuhrer. 

Putting aside all of this, I wrote this because my generation and even older people forget their history classes on the subject. I will say this however, that calling a person a Nazi or "literally" Hitler is really disrespectful to the THOUSANDS of people who died under Hitler. It's time to grow up sugarcakes, not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi. Just come to accept that people will disagree and that is ok, but what's not ok is calling people Hitler and Nazis in anger because they don't agree with you. I encourage everyone to look up more on this subject, till next time! 

God bless America! 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Little Things

I haven't written in a little bit. I usually write on politics or things that are going on and what I think about them. Today though, I am taking this article a different way. I don't like to get super personal on here but once in a while I feel like I have to. 

Today I want to write on something not many think about, something that many take for granted. 


"Well what do you mean Arianna?" So many people take so much for granted. Out of all the people that I have come across online and in my personal life, most take life for granted. They think that life is always going to be there. There is so much about life that many don't realize is a gift, a blessing. They see the big things, like getting a job after years, or someone in their life. They don't see that being able to do the smallest things, like walking, eating, waking up in the morning, being able to go out and have fun; all of these are blessings. Blessings come in all shapes and sizes, but many only see the big blessings. I am writing this because I want, I need people to see that there are smaller blessings too. I have never written on this blog my story but I need to. I need people to hear it, not for me but for you. Please bear with me as I tell this story, this isn't easy for me nor will it be quick and short. I understand if you can't read all of it, I understand if it can be too long- at least you tried.

My Story

I have great parents, they taught me to think for myself and be myself no matter what happens. In this day and age, that makes you a target. I have PTSD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. I had my quirks and until I was 16, we didn't know why. I wasn't diagnosed till I was 16 with ASD. Anyways, as a child I was often the target of bullies. I was different, thought for myself, was a big geek and nerd, and I was white- a minority in Palm Springs, California. Before I was diagnosed with ASD, I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar, so they put me on all these medications for no reason. This made me very sick. When I was 15, I was abused by a now ex, and raped by his friend. After that, I went spiraling into a black hole that I couldn't see the light or get out of. In this time period (of 5 years), I was in mental hospitals every other month, my best friend died suddenly, my grandmother died of cancer and so did my uncle. I can barely remember this time period of my life. I managed to graduate high school with honors because I put my head into books and focused only on school. It was the only way I could survive the rest of high school. I was so sick, so dark that I, personally, don't know how I made it through this even with the support I had. It wasn't until I was 20 years old that I broke away from it and accepted what had happened to me. I had amazing parents who helped me through everything and amazing supportive family, without them I wouldn't have made it through without them. For 3 years, I hadn't been in the hospital. I'm still really proud of myself. I started using my experiences to help others, to help people see the truth of mental illnesses and give support to those in need. Throughout my life, doctors asked my parents how I could have survived my childhood. They would tell them that many would've committed suicide. I want to say this, out of all the times I wanted to die and just end it, my family, God and knowing how it'd affect people stopped me. AS I grew older, I realized that although it really sucked, I wouldn't change what I went through even if I could. I became stronger through it, I try to help people that need the understanding, or those who don't have the understanding. I write. I write my story and my experiences, in hopes that people know they aren't alone. This is only a brief summary, I don't tell anyone I don't know the full story because many don't need to know all of it. This was my childhood. There were some amazing times too, of course. Once a CNN anchor (don't remember his name) that I saw at a conference (this was before it was the Clinton News Network- almost ten years ago) told me I should be a journalist, all because I asked him a question no one asked him during a Q&A session. One time, I got to meet Ellen Hopkins, a YA author, who I was privileged to share my writing with and she still remembers me. I have some good memories, these memories help me remember that not everything was horrible. My childhood, although it was hell, was also filled with love from people who I admired and loved. 

When I was about 16, I started having physical issues. I was having joint pain and other pain that the doctors quickly dismissed as part of my anxiety. It was manageable. I was able to ignore it. Then February 2015 hit. One day, I couldn't get out of my bed. The fatigue was so back, I could barely breathe, the pain was excruciating and almost intolerable. It felt like boulders were on top of my body. My sister, who I was living with at the time, pulled me out of bed and helped me with a Epsom salt bath, which helped a little enough for me to move around. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of a hell of a journey, physically. No one knew what was going on. My doctor sent me to a rheumatologist, to get answers. He told me that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. He put me on medication and told me to exercise. The thing is, I couldn't. Within a year I went from a cane to a walker to a wheelchair part time. No one would listen except my primary. I started having issues with my stomach, extreme headaches, heart issues and more. The pain was almost unbearable, but I never gave up. They sent me to the local teaching hospital, where they are trying to figure it out. 

I don't share this for sympathy or pity. I keep a smile on my face even when I shouldn't be. I keep positive and still help people, like I have my whole life. I don't and will never give up. I have survived up till now because of my family and God. Without them, I would be nowhere. I call myself a Optimistic Realist. I hope things will change, but I accept things if they don't.

I share this with you because at one point I was like most other people on Earth, who take this life for granted. I am now 23 years old, I have come to terms that what I battle is dangerous, that anything can happen. I may never get better, I hope I do. I learned that EVERYTHING from eating to being able to walk on my own, to doing me hair to being coherent, is a blessing. I have lost so many friends but I have gained some pretty amazing ones too. I look at every day as a blessing. What I go through may be hell to you, but I see it as an obstacle that can be beat everyday and that will only make me stronger. I thank God everyday for all that I am given. I never know what the next day may bring, No matter what type of day I thank God for it. Many don't realize how big of a blessing the most simple thing in life can be. No one realizes that everyone takes so much for granted. 

Please don't be like me, please see what you have and thank whoever you believe in for them because one day it could be too late. One day, you could end up like myself without the very gifts that you have now. That's why I share this with you. To show you that even if you have had one hell of a life, even if you feel like you are in the worse situation, you can beat it. You can get through it. Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary situation, to seek out help if that is what you need. To tell you that there is so much to be grateful for, so much that you may not realize can be taken for granted. I hope that by sharing my story, even though it was not the full story, it has helped open your eyes to different things. 

If you are one of the people who are reading this and are going through a very similar thing and see no way out, I have a message for you.

You are worth it. You are strong, you may feel like you aren't right now but the sun will shine again. Please reach out to people who can help you. You can do this, it may be scary but you can do this. I am here for anyone who may need to talk, who may need help. You can email me at themillennialpatriot@gmail.com anytime, even those who don't need help but want to ask me about anything feel free to email me. I will turn no one away, ever. 

Thank you for reading my story and I hope that this has helped. 
